Saturday, December 29, 2007

steampunk magazine

the golden fish blog is now four months old. over three hundred people have spent time here with over two hundred of those same people visiting for another look see on a more or less regular basis. when i set out to create this blog, i had (and still have) no goals other than to unpack my past and then also to acknowledge the future becoming present. especially the future i wish my children to see, create, be a part of, or perhaps even to change. so on this uncharacteristically rainy night late in december, i extend my welcome to those who visit - perchance to find a stretch of time to step out of the rain and to revive their spirits.

so as a warmup to month five, here's a steampunk laptop courtesy of the wickedgood crackpot running datamancer

who can be found here at datamancer's very own website.

as a special treat at this early morning time i would like to share with you an extraordinary, amazing, and not-to-be-missed-at-any-costs link to some super talented writing inside a magazine named steampunk magazine. many of the writers are big-name people and so will need little introduction but some of the lesser lights have equally sterling credentials in the writing department so head here and read this amazing magazine. it operates on an honour system so be kind. pay as you wish or simply read it on-screen. the download page can be found right here.

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